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Family Friendly Commercial Voice Overs

Family Friendly Messages


Family friendly commercials have come to mean an all inclusive message that not only includes children and the products they consume, but also their parents and everyone else in the family. Commercial voice actors still cater to children in funny and animated voices, but in my experience more demand has been stressed on less quirky voices to include adults as well. 


But no matter how old you are, a bright, animated, and funny voice brings everyone together and makes receiving information about a product or service enjoyable. 

Family Commercials | Love Prevails

Often, our loved ones are one of our biggest stressors, but that's because we love them so much and always want the best for them. Navigating life's most stressful and difficult moments and finding the love in a family commercial through tone of voice and rhythm is something I do well. Very often in a family commercial, the short commercial story arch presents a hectic family life, full of problems and perhaps clutter, and it's my job to carry that story line to the finish line by stating the obvious with empathy, presenting the solution, and then bring the story home by showing how positive the end result is. This emotional range from a chaotic situation to a positive outcome is something I can do well and accomplish for your commercial. 

Family Commercials | Capture the Moment

Life can pass us by fast, and sometimes we get so caught up that we forget to 'smell the roses' and appreciate what's in front of us. The family commercial that captures the moment is all about the voice actor relating to the audience that makes the audience compelled to act on a decision. In my experience as a voice actor in this category, it requires you to think about your own life and the people in it, so that the audience knows you're just like them; it circles back to the relatability factor. 


The skill I rely on for family commercials will always be: relying on my own experiences of family life and loving the people in them; sincerity and relatability, and alway conversational and warm, unless of course called for otherwise. 

Family Commercials | Activities & Destinations

By far my favorite type of family commercial since it usually involves focusing on my voice over to relate to kids, which usually means a voice over that is fun, quirky, high energy, and youthful sounding. This category is jam-packed with family vacations, theme parks, kids products and much more. When voicing family commercials that are supposed to get kids excited or entertained, I don't have to dig too deep for the perfect read, because who doesn't get excited about fun stuff!? Having a little niece myself I know how excited she gets about new things and places she wants to go, so that is always top of mind when doing family commercials. 

Family Commercials | Kids Products

Family commercials based on products are really fun as well. I'm happy to see family commercials evenly balanced between educational kids products and imaginative or just flat out fun kids products. But family commercials aren't all about the kids either; the adults are often pitched more expensive items like swimming pools or larger cars for the kids. 


The vocal range for family product commercials can be from soft and warm to exciting and zany and I can do both with ease. 

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